Welcome to my website!

I am a PhD candidate at CIRED, in Paris, and Technische Universität Berlin, supervised by Vincent Viguié and Felix Creutzig. My main research interests are urban economics and urban modeling for environmental policy evaluation and distributional impacts analysis.

The main focus of my Ph.D. is on applying a collection of spatially explicit urban economics models to a sample of 100+ cities of various characteristics in different continents for climate policy modeling (see here, here, and here). I am also interested in the distributional impacts of urban climate policies (see here).

Before my Ph.D., I worked for the World Bank on flood modeling and urban resilience and on the distributional impacts of urban climate policies. I did my economics master thesis at CIRED, France, and at the French Ministry of Environment on the topic of environmental justice and urban greening in the Paris metropolitan area.

You can download my CV here.